Trusted Application Delivery: Achieving Ultimate Security

Learn the security challenges of cloud-native infrastructure,
how GitOps help eliminate risks associated with continuous
deployment, how to leverage policy as code for environments
& application artifacts and how to produce trustworthy deployment images.

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Manage with Ease: Application Portability on EKS with Weave GitOps

Find out how to reduce complexity so a small team can manage large fleets of clusters running in diverse cloud providers as well as on premises, and how to make it easy for your development teams to deliver their applications securely and consistently, regardless of the target environment.

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Achieving Record Growth While Reducing Costs: Dream11 Explains How

Soaring to over 100 million users in 4 years, India’s largest
fantasy sports platform leveraged AWS with Weaveworks to deploy
a GitOps managed Shared Services Platform on EKS, resulting
in enhanced performance & substantial cost savings.

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Best Practices for Migrating from KOPS Managed Clusters to Amazon EKS with GitOps

At Weaveworks we have been helping many organizations going through this migration and want to share some of our best practices. We discuss how to migrate from KOPS-managed Kubernetes on EC2 to EKS with the help of GitOps

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Migrating from Self-Managed Kubernetes on EC2
to a GitOps Enabled EKS

Hear how to migrate from self-managed Kubernetes on
EC2 to a GitOps managed Shared Services Platform on
EKS, how Weave GitOps speeds up application
deployment and how to keep security at the forefront.

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Overcoming Regulatory & Compliance Hurdles with Hybrid Cloud EKS and Weave GitOps

Topics covered include how to utilize EKSD and EKS to establish common operational workflows that minimize operational overhead, how to lower operational costs and how to maintain compliance by enabling clear operational controls and auditability.

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