GitOps is enabling declarative applications and declarative infrastructure the Kubernetes way. With GitOps, you describe systems with declarative specifications and those specifications eventually form the basis of continuous everything.

GitOps combines Git with Kubernetes’ convergence properties and serves as an operating model for developing and delivering Kubernetes-based infrastructure and applications.

If you’re ready to take the first steps to GitOps adoption, but don’t know where to start, this guide is the best starting point for your GitOps journey.

What you’ll get in this guide:

  • A quick way to assess your organization’s current situation and readiness for GitOps adoption
  • An overview of the key benefits of GitOps
  • The four key principles of GitOps as defined by the Open GitOps project
  • Specific directions on how to get started with GitOps no matter if your organization is at a beginner or advanced level with DevOps


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